Get Creative/ Playful
Large Loose part game:
Find as much junk as you can around your house.
Can you make a game out of it?
I didn’t make a game.
Can you build something with it?
Yes, I made pencil holders.
Take a photo of your creation and share it with your teacher.
Obstacle course:
Invent an obstacle course for yourself and your family. Either inside or outside and complete it.
Tip: include under, over, around, jump, and through objects. Here is some inspiration - Obstacle Course
- Question:
What did you learn from this process?
I need to be faster to finish the obstacle.
What would you do next time?
Make a longer obstacle.
Create a Hallway Laser field:
Use toilet paper and sellotape to create a maze for yourself and your family to crawl through.
How fast can you go through your course?
I made it in 15 seconds.
Can you do the course with one eye or both eyes closed?
I did it 1 eye closed.
Can you do it (safely) with only one arm or one leg?
I did it without 1 arm.
My week of lockdown PE - reflection
Which activity was the most fun this week and why?
The most fun activity was making junk into something. I like it because me and my mom painted it.
What was the most challenging activity you did this week? Why?
It was the maze in the wall because it was hard to make.
How have you felt during this lockdown week? Happy? Sad?
I feel normal and sad because I don't get to see school.
This week some activities were on your own and some were with other people. I did the activities with my mom and when we did the maze inside my dad broke it because he wanted to go through but I did all the work in time.
Task: Complete the following questions in the table.